Variables, Constants and Functions - Introduction

An important part of Polar Script are Variables, Constants and Functions. Variables can hold values, functions can perform a specific operation. Functions can either return a value or have no return value. The latter can also be defined as a Sub. In other words, a Sub is a Function without a return value. Constants are like Variables but have a fixed (hard coded) value.


The scope means in what 'area' of your program a variable of function is available. Within that scope, names of functions and variables must be unique. Polar Script has the following scopes:

FunctionThe variable is defined within a function, either as a Dim or when it is defined as parameter. It is only available within that function.
ClassThe variable is defined within a Class (outside a function). Can be either defined as Public or Private within the class.
ModuleThe variable or function is defined as a private variable or function within a module. It is only accessible within that module.
GlobalA variable of function is defined as Public within a module. It is accessible from all modules.
Dim mName As String 'Scope is module
Public gProjectName As String = "MyProject" 'Scope is Global

Public Function AddNumbers(pNumber1 As Double, pNumber2 As Double) As Double 'Scope of AddNumbers is Global. Scope of parameters is always the Function only.
   Dim lResult As Double = pNumber1 + pNumber 2 ' Scope of lResult is function
   Return lResult
End Function

Private Function CleanupName(pName As String) As String 'Scope of CleanupName is this Module
   Return Left(Replace(pName, " ", "_"), 64)
End Function

Class Planet
   Dim mAccessCount As Long 'Scope is Class
   Public Name As String 'Scope is Class
   Public Sub EraseName() 'Scope is Class
       Dim lLength As Long = Len(Name) 'Scope of lLength is Function EraseName only.
       If lLength > 32 Then
           Name = ""
       End If
   End Sub
End Class


Variables, Constants and functions must have a unique name within their scope. Names must start with a character (A-Z) or an underscore and can contain characters, underscores and numbers (0-9). A name of only one single underscore is not allowed because the single underscore is also used as line-continuation character.

Variables and Constants

Within a Class or in a Module (so NOT within a sub/function) you can define a variable with Public, Private or Dim (Dim is equal to Private). Within Functions and Subs, variables are allways defined using Dim

Constants are defined in Modules and Classes with Public Const / [Private] Const. In Functions and Subs, Constants are defined with Const only.

Dim mGroupName
Public RequestCount As Long
Private mMyPrivateVariable As Collection
Const mEndOfTimes = #2500-12-31#

Function SomeFunction()
   Const cDaysInWeek = 7
   Dim Names(cDaysInWeek - 1) As String 'Note: arrays are zero-based. This example will set the UBound to 6, with effective 7 (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) elements.
End Function

Initial values

Constants must be defined with a value and Variables can be initialized with initial values. There are two different situations:

Dim mString As String = "Hello World"
Const mDaysInWeekCount = 7
Dim mDictionary As Dictionary ' <= There is no constant for a new dictionary, so you cannot set a default value at module level

Function Demo
   Const mMaxDiceValue = 6
   Dim lDiceValue As Long = Int(Rnd(1) * mMaxDiceValue) + 1
   Dim lCollection As Collection = New Collection 'Within a procedure, you can set a default like this
End Function

Class MyClass
   Dim mCollection As Collection
   Const ClassName = "MyClass"
   Private Sub Initialize()
       mCollection = New Collection
   End Sub
End Class

Available literal expressions

Within the expressions you write and for setting initial values, you can use the following syntaxes for the various data types.

Data typeExampleNotes
LongLong can be indicated by adding a & or L.
Underscores in hex and binary notations are optional and are removed before parsing.
Doubles can be indicated by adding a # or R.
Decimals can be indicated by adding a @ or D.
Date#2020-12-31 17:55:22#
#31-12-2020 17:55:22#
Array {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}
{0, 1, 2}
{5, "test", #12:00#}

See also: Array Variables


Functions and Sub-routines are used to encapsulate reusable blocks of code in Polar Script. The only difference between a Functions and a Sub is that a function returns a value, while a Sub does not return a value.


[Public | Private] Function functionName([parameters]) [As returnType]
   [Return expression | functionName = expression]
End Function

[Public | Private] Sub subName([parameters])
End Sub

In the rest of this page, we will only refer to functions, but everything (except return values) also applies to subs.


Parameters for Functions follow the next syntax

[ByVal | ByRef] ParameterName [As VariableType] [, ....]

If a parameter is passed 'ByRef', changes in value of the parameter are passed back into passed variable. In case of a ByVal parameter, changed values are only visible within the Function.


Public Function DateToPolarScript(pDate As Date) As String
   Return Format(pDate, "\#YYYY\/MM\/DD\ HH:MM:SS\#")
End Function

Private Function OldStyleReturnType()
   OldStyleReturnType = Int(Rnd(1) * 6) + 1 'Instead of Return statement
End Function

Optional Parameters

In Polar Script, parameters can also be made optional. Optional parameters can be passed by the calling function but can also be omitted. When omitted, a default value can be specified in the parameter-definition. Optional parameters are always on the end of the list of parameters (no not-optional parameters can be defined after an optional parameter). The syntax of optional parameters is:

Optional [ByVal | ByRef] ParameterName [As VariableType] [= DefaultValueExpression] [, Optional ....]

Optional Parameters that are typed (not being Variant) are set to the default of that type when not passed and no DefaultValueExpression is specified. If no ParameterType and no DefaultValue are specified, and the parameter is omitted, then the value of that parameter is set to Missing. This is a special empty-type.


Public Function DateToPolarScript(pDate As Date, Optional pIncludeTime As Boolean = True) As String
   Return Format(pDate, $"\#YYYY\/MM\/DD\{IIf(pIncludeTime, " HH:MM:SS", "")}\#")
End Function

Public Function SomeFunction(Optional pParameter1)
   If IsMissing(pParameter1) Then
       pParameter1 = "Not specified"
   End If
   Return pParameter1
End Function

ParamArray Parameters

Sometimes a function must be able to retrieve a list of values. For this, you can use the ParamArray parameters. The passed values are put in an array in that parameter. Please obey the following rules:


Public Function AddNumbers(Optional Paramarray pNumbers As Double ()) As Double
   Dim lResult As Double
   Dim lItem As Double
   For Each lItem In pNumbers
       lResult = lResult + lItem
   Return lResult
End Function

Returning a value

There are two methods to set the ReturnValue for a function:

Exiting Subs and Functions

To exit a Sub or Function prematurely, you can use either the Return statement or the Exit Sub / Exit Function statement. Within a Function, the Return statement MUST always specify the return value, within a Sub the Return statement does not allow a return value.

Public Function Test(pValue1 As Variant, Paramarray pTestValues)
   If IsNULL(pValue1) Then Exit Function
   Dim lElement
   For Each lElement In pTestValues
       If lElement = pValue1 Then Return True
   Return False
End Function

See also: