Array Variables

Sometimes, data is to be stored in an Array. For this, you can use Array Variables. Basically, this is a variable that can be accessed using an index to get a specific value. Array Variables can have one or more dimensions, each having 1 or more elements. All indexes range from 0 to (ElementCount - 1).

The following statements/functions are related to Array Variables

Dim Variable([Index] [,Index] ...)
To define a Variable. Also used to define Array Variables. Required.
ReDim [Preserve] Variable([Index] [,Index] ...)
To re-define an Array Variable. Can be used to alter the dimensions/sizes. Can be used with the Preserve keywords to keep the data while changing the number of elements.
Erase Variable
To erase the data in a variable while keeping the dimensions/sizes.
Ubound(Variable [, Dimension#])
To get the Upper Boundary of the given dimension. If no dimension is specified then the Upper Boundary of the first dimension is returned. The UBound is the number of elements - 1, so an empty array(no elements) returns UBound -1.
Lbound(Variable [, Dimension#])
To get the Lower Boundary of the given dimension. Always returns 0, for Polar Script (just like VBscript) does not allow to set custom boundaries.
To get the number of dimensions for an Array variable. Note that the dimenstions are One-based. Also returns 1 for an empty array.
Join(ArrayVariable [, SepChar = " "]) As String
Will create a string of the joined elements of a 1-dimensional array.
    [, SepChar = " "]
    [, Count = -1]
    [, CompareMode = 0]) As String()
Splits a string into an array of strings searching the separation character (that will be removed). Limits the number of elements to the specified Count (use -1 for unlimited). CompareMode is 0 for binary compare (vbBinaryCompare) and 1 for text compare (vbTextCompare)
    , Find
    [, Include = True]
    [, CompareMode = 0]
    [, UsePatternMatching = False]
    ) As String()
Returns a 1-dimensional array of strings by filtering the given 1-dimensional array. It filters on the Find-parameter. By default it Includes matches, but by setting Include=False, it will exclude the matches instead. The pattern matching will use the given Find and use it as the Like operator.
Returns a boolean indicating if the given variable is an Array.
Dim mMyData() As String

Public Function RegisterElement(pElement As String)
   Redim Preserve mMyData(UBound(mMyData) + 1) 'Add an extra element
   mMyData(UBound(mMyData)) = pElement 'Store at the last position
End Function

An example for a two dimensional array could look like this:

Dim mDiceCount(5, 5) As Long

Public Function RegisterDiceRoll(pDice1 As Long, pDice2 As Long)
   mDiceCount(pDice1 - 1, pDice2 - 1) = mDiceCount(pDice1 - 1, pDice2 - 1) + 1
End Function

Public Function ClearDiceRolls()
   Erase mDiceCount
End Function