
Public Function BCrypt_CheckPassword(ByVal Password As String, ByVal HashedPassword As String) As Boolean

Validates a BCrypt-hash with the specified password. Returns True if matching. Note: This function is slow by-design to prevent brute force attacks

Const mcMaxFailedLogins = 8

Private Function CheckPassword(pContext, pUserName As String, pPassword As String, ByRef pErrorMessage As String) As Boolean
   If pUserName = "" Then
       pErrorMessage = "No Username"
       Using GetApplicationDataConnector(pContext).OpenDynamicRecordSet(@"SELECT * FROM WebUsers WHERE UserName = {pUserName}")
           If .Eof Then
               pErrorMessage = "User not found"
           ElseIf .Fields("Locked").Value Then
               pErrorMessage = "User locked"
           ElseIf .Fields("PasswordHash").Value ?? "" = "" Then
               pErrorMessage = "User has no password set"
           ElseIf .Fields("FailedLogins").Value >= mcMaxFailedLogins Then
               pErrorMessage = "Too many failed logins."
           ElseIf Not BCrypt_CheckPassword(pPassword, .Fields("PasswordHash").Value) Then
               pErrorMessage = "Invalid Password"
               .Fields("FailedLogins").Value = .Fields("FailedLogins").Value + 1
               .Fields("LastFailedLogin").Value = SystemTime
               Return False
               .Fields("FailedLogins").Value = 0
               .Fields("LastSuccessfulLogin").Value = SystemTime
               Return True
           End If
       End Using
   End If
   Return False
End Function

See also: