Understanding Polar Studio's Concepts

Polar Studio introduces a distinctive approach in contrast to other platforms. Think of Polar Studio as an application server that delivers your project to its users efficiently.

User Sessions

Every user within Polar Studio maintains a session and needs to be logged in to access the application. Throughout this session, multiple forms can be active, allowing the user to traverse the data seamlessly.

For applications designed for guest access (users not logged in), these guest interactions are still managed through sessions in the background.

Form Management

Within a session, users can access multiple forms designed in the application. These forms are initiated server-side, with the user interface presented to users for interaction.

Forms can either be 'Bound' or 'Unbound':

User Group Dynamics

Applications can house multiple user groups, but one is always mandatory. Upon login, users are assigned to a singular user group.

Each user group has tailored settings and permissions. For instance, one group might access both list and detailed views of a form, while another sees only the detailed view.

For applications with numerous user groups, setting permissions for each group could be cumbersome. Here's where the 'Default' group setting comes handy. While not an actual group, this default is applied to any group without specific permissions or settings defined, streamlining the setup process.

Personalizing Your Application

Polar Studio empowers you to craft a comprehensive application without the need for extensive coding. Yet, there will be instances where you desire specific functionalities. That's when coding steps in.

Thanks to Polar Studio's open API and its intuitive Polar Script language, you can seamlessly integrate custom events and scripts to fine-tune your application's performance.

Both the data and presentation layers come packed with an array of events. You might, for example, draft a script allowing one field's editability to hinge on the value of another field. The script grants you full database and data-layer access, as well as the flexibility to modify the user interface with custom controls and logic.